Top of the plots this month has to be "Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty."
Shakespeare, local boy, has a way with words. He didn't mention the rhubarb, growing alongside the daffs (see pic 2) and looking equally beautiful. But then he only knew it as a laxative. That's this Newsletter's interesting historical fact taken care of.
Whereas we know it as a proper harbinger of Spring, great to cook with and a real looker in its own right.

There are other Spring signs all over the site - trees in blossom...

And best of all, the promise of broad beans that you can actually eat in due course. Massive respect to those October planters!

In the end though, nothing says start of the growing season quite so well as a big fat dug-over and mulched plot (sorry no-diggers) ready to receive this year's triumphs and disasters.

Meanwhile at the Clubhouse....
We had our first (but definitely not the last) Marmalade Competition on Sunday 3rd March. We had a very healthy 17 competition entries and an amazing number of people turned up just to smell the Seville oranges, and also possibly to soak up the lovely spring sunshire and er... drink. The bar did very well that afternoon. Many congratulations to  the winners in order of marmalade supremacy
1st Rosemary
2nd HelenaÂ
3rd SiobhanÂ
here pictured with their Prize entries and winners apron. Thanks also to judges Lorna, Nicola and Alan and to Jon for organising the whole thing. We'll definitely do it again next year. Date for your diaries - Sunday 2nd March 2025!

Summer Fair! Date for Your Diaries!
This is usually a hugely popular event so put the date in your calendars now.
Saturday 20th July 12 midday until 7.00 pm. Stalls close at 5.00 but the bar continues!
We'll have tea and cake, pizza and BBQ. There will also as usual be lots of craft stalls and a plant sale. If you can bake a cake or have time to help out please let us know. Contact us via Facebook or via
If you want a craft stall contact us via
Lottery Funding Bid
The Bid for better fencing and other security measures is ready to go but for one item! Your editor is not very proficient at website management. So the poll we ran last time on Security had loads of responses which don't seem to have been recorded. Please please do it again - or for the first time - by clicking the yes button below. If you can click the button as soon as you read this - and get your friends to do likewise - that would be a huge help. Many thanks in advance!
Is Security the most important issue for the Committee to tackle?
0%Other suggestions
You can vote for more than one answer.
Water Goes Back On!
Our technical people (OK, Dan with a big spanner) will be turning on the water supply on Friday 22nd March in the afternoon. Probably best to try your nearest standpipe the following morning i.e. Saturday. Mind you, anyone in need of extra water for their plot this Spring ...
BDAC round-up
For your monthly round up of what's happening across the City's allotments click on the link below.
That's all for this month fellow plotters!